Are you ready for RADICAL SELF CARE?

Navigating growing a business, being a present mama, pursuing my passions and ensuring that my own inner well is continually filled up (all without resorting to screen time for my 5 yr old) can be quite the juggle!

Finding the right balance can be tricky in a world where we have lost our deep connection to tribe - and as we (still) try to look the part of 'effortless superwomen' doing it solo with perfection - we inevitably end up exhausted, worn out, unwell and increasingly disconnected from ourselves, our lives and our truest needs and desires.

Prioritising the things we perceive need DOING over our own Self Care and pleasure is an epidemic I see amongst women everywhere (myself included at times) - and with the words 'Self Care' being thrown around in the online space every where we turn it can feel daunting, overwhelming and downright confusing to understand what this looks like in the day-to-day reality of a busy and full life.

Most of us know we need to look after ourselves and tend to our needs daily - but if we have been people pleasing and martyring ourselves for more years than we've done turns around the sun it can be confronting and challenging to even know where to start.

For if we are running the show from a place of disconnect and disembodiment how will we even know what tending to our needs really looks like?
If we don't know who we are behind the mask, or understand what turns us on just slotting "self care' into the mix only leads to more uncertainty, more disconnect and a lot more stress.

Feeling like this was why I created my Radical Self Care Mentoring Program.

As a reformed(ing) perfectionist and martyr I knew I needed to overhaul my entire way of being in the world but for a long time felt lost on how to do this in a gentle, loving, intuitive and wildly feminine way.

There were no role models when I was deep in crisis showing me a way that didn't involve overriding my needs with a whole lot of pushing and striving - sadly Self Care was still wrapped up in a masculine bow of 'achievement' - something we needed to do - above all else.

Learning the hard way through a burn-out breakdown was the fuel that led me to explore the depths of what it is to Self Source. It was a not so gentle nudge from Spirit imploring me to become reacquainted with my essence - and to show me all that needed to be brought to the light to reveal what true embodied connection and care might look like.

It was (and still is) an unfolding daily journey of self discovery, self awareness and self enquiry.

Now, through years of my own personal embodied exploration, I have created a Self Care Compass - a roadmap of sorts - for how to truly, lovingly and compassionately care for myself amidst the busyness of parenting, business and all that comes with modern life as a cyclical creature.

And now I am offering ALL my insights and learning - my Self Care Compass and guide - to you.


Radical Self Care is not for the faint-hearted or for the woman looking for a 'surface level' quick fix for her self-sourcing. It's not something that creates another 'stress response', nor is it a list of actions you need to achieve in order to tick 'Self Care' off your to-do list (though how you tend to yourself is important)

Rather, Radical Self Care has it's foundation in deep and intimate self-awareness, feminine embodiment, radical responsibility, self-enquiry, understanding of our feminine cycles, aligned action and unwavering compassion.

Radical Self Care Mentoring is not a one size fits all approach - the tools are universal however they will meet you exactly where you are right now.


It has been lovingly created for the woman:

+ desiring to know and understand herself and her own unique rhythms
+ ready to reclaim ALL of herself and her wildly feminine nature
+ tired of feeling exhausted, disconnected and never good enough
+ willing to show up and do the deeper work needed to change old patterns around her worth and value
+ ready to claim her space and reclaim her sovereignty

It is for the women ready to:

+ know all of herself (the light and the shadow) more intimately
+ revere her body as sacred
+ have a plethora of tools for filling her inner well
+ have a deeper understanding of her own inner cycles and seasons
+ know how to effortlessly move into a state of connection and embodiment
+ let go of non-serving beliefs around her worthiness and value
+ access her intuition and womb wisdom with ease
+ understand the workings of the nervous system and the importance of rest
+ allow herself to fully receive without guilt
+ use her Self Care compass to guide her back home to connection and aligned action over and over again

So woman - are you ready for Radical Self Care?


As RADICAL SELF CARE MENTORING is a new offering I am gifting 3 spots on this 6 session deep immersion program FREE to the woman truly ready to step up and reclaim herself and her needs.

If this speaks to you then please CONTACT ME to find out more about the offering and also let me know why you believe mentoring with me is the right fit for you. Feel free to share with your sisters who may also be in need of loving support!

And let me know in the comments below - what does Radical Self Care mean for you?

With love and blessings,
Star xxxx