Following the RED THREAD

Recently in my meditation practise I had a spark of divine insight come through right at the end.

Usually before I come out of my quiet space I take a moment to bring my attention to my womb space and allow her to speak to me. I may place my hands on my womb or just breathe in to her and ask - 'What do I need to know right now'?

The words she whispered and visions she showed me this particular evening were potent, profound and powerful - it was a beautiful confirmation for me that the way I now choose to navigate my life ( heads up - it's not from my mind!) is right on track - the voice of SHE WHO KNOWS ALL came through loud and strong!

In my video below I share more on what it means (for me) to follow the red thread and include a lovely gentle practise at the end for you to begin to cultivate your own connection with your womb's knowing.

Following the red thread is not the easiest of paths - especially if you struggle with chaos and not always knowing exactly what is going on or what the next step is.

It will take courage, unwavering commitment and deep deep trust - but the gifts revealed and received when you turn inwards and heed your own voice over that of your ego/mind and what society tells you is the 'right' or 'acceptable' way to live your life is without a doubt the greatest of gifts.

So harness your magic and reclaim your power baby - they are yours as a birthright - and they have been waiting to guide you to the inspired, aligned, easeful and awakened life that deep down you truly desire!

Following the RED THREAD is as simple as:

+ Creating a safe space
+ Connecting in and listening to the voice of your womb
+ Letting go of control, the need to know and trust everything she tells you
+ Staying curious and open to the sensations, emotions and thoughts you experience when connecting with her
+ Following the thread no matter what - even if you aren't sure and especially if it feels crazy

Enjoy the journey and get ready for a wild ride into the unknown beautiful!
May you begin to know and trust your womb's insight above all else.


I'm curious to know - do you already hear and listen to your inner voice - or is her wisdom drowned out by busyness, over-analysation or feelings of mistrust and disconnect?

Let's start a juicy womb conversation - so let me know in the comments below how you currently connect with your womb/ inner wisdom or if not what perhaps is stopping you?

I would love to support you with tools to reconnect with this sacred and powerful part of your self!

Sending love and womb blessings,
Star xxx