Soulful Enquiry - Who's there behind the mask?

Soulful Enquiry - Who's there behind the mask?

Self-Enquiry is a delicious daily practise for me and has been a revelational part of my journey towards healing and a deeper connection to my essence.

When I take the time to soften into stillness, my conditioned and self-imposed layers begin to dissolve and melt away, and I become more truly aligned with my soul’s purpose here.

But what does it actually mean to enquire into the self?
To take a dive deep within on a journey of self-discovery?

Is it a simple and gentle quest that brings about a profound transformation into unveiling the truth of who you are?
Or is it a vigil into the dark night of the soul filled with doubt, fear and uncertainty?

You are ENOUGH...

You are ENOUGH...

You really are enough honey.
Just as you are.

Right now you have all you need inside you to shine brighter than ever.
So what’s holding you back?

Is it fear and resistance?
They LOVE to hang around and sniff out the smallest bit of self-doubt.

Maybe it’s feeling like you need more qualifications, street cred and external know-how to move towards living a life you love?

Just possibly it’s those negative thoughts that may have been lingering for some time that are damaging the glorious manifestation of your dreams and desires?

What's the rush sister??

What's the rush sister??

Every day I see them.

The pavement pounders on a mission.
Women with an insatiable hunger to get somewhere.

Rushing, running, pushing, striving.
Overwhelmed, stressed, exhausted and a little unhinged.

The destination unknown and unchartered but a desperate need to get there anyway.

The masculine forever leading the race, the feminine gasping to keep up as it’s not really her natural way.

Where are they going I wonder?
What is it all for?
What’s the rush sister?