When you read those words what arises for you?
Does it make you feel overwhelmed just thinking about it?
Perhaps you wonder where you might find the time?
Maybe there is a softening inside when you ponder and reflect...something rigid releases and a sigh and yes escape your lips?
Whether you are a staunch advocate for daily Self Care (like me), you are just beginning to dabble or this is a whole new concept for you, the gifts of taking time EVERY. SINGLE. DAY to tune in, listen and honour your deepest needs are profound.
Spiritual Practise = Mindful Mama...
Sometimes when I am in a moment of quiet contemplation or meditation, I have the most inspired download of juicy ideas.
At the times when I am most desiring peace and for my mind to slow down its activities, I am flooded with insight.
I love that when I create some space to get still and silent, the Universe says
‘here you go honey-ponder this’!
Recently whilst settling into my meditation, I started thinking about the time a mama has for her spiritual practise and how the whole idea of this changes when raising little ones.
Life as a full time mama is busy with a capital B.
Gently and lovingly guiding a little soul is a beautiful yet often exhausting journey with many ebbs and flows.
To be always fully present, kind and compassionate can be a challenge regardless of what the moment presents.
To do this with my 3 year old when she is in the midst of a mini meltdown at the end of a long day forces me to draw on every spiritual practise I know to get us through the moment relatively unscathed, and, ideally, with me left feeling that I have honoured both our needs without stepping out of alignment with my own personal brand of parenting philosophy.
Sabotage, Self Love and my Soulful Declaration...
Women of the world…
Soul sisters…
Can you feel the rise of the divine feminine?
It is so very palpable right now!
All around me women are stepping up, aligning with their soul purpose and reclaiming their power.
I am inspired, moved and blown away daily by the sheer force of women finally showing up in a new, more empowered way - for themselves and for humanity.
It has been so long in the coming.
Yet something hungry still lingers in the background.
An insipid little creature that wants to be fed, and though more starved now than ever before, she still has a pretty tight hold on us.
Who is this beast you might ask?
I am, of course, referring to that nasty little soul-crushing
self-saboteur that just won’t back off.
Your bitchy inner critic that knocks the wind out of your inner wisdom time and time again.
I know you know her well.
Most of us do.
And though I see a whole bunch of amazingly devoted, focused and spiritually aware women out there doing their thing with gusto and grace, I can’t help but feel that we have a way to go on this journey of true and lasting Self-Love.
The Art of Letting Go...
What does the word conjure up for you?
Fear, resistance, uncertainty, release…
What about in your body – what do you notice?
Are there feelings of contraction, turning away, a desire to hide?
Maybe reading that word elicits feelings of expansion, possibility and the desire to lean in and take a closer look?
Whatever your experience, I invite you to stay with it and watch…
Watch as your mind creates story after story.
Are there any underlining themes?
We all have our own unique view of death, but what if we took a different position, and rather than seeing death as merely a natural and organic part of our journey in the human body, can we instead see beyond a ‘physical’ death to what learning might be gleaned from diving a little deeper?
Can we move away from the feelings of finality and take a more philosophical route to exploring what gifts might be there underneath the initial meaning of the word?
Is the Universe testing your resolve??
A conversation that was started this week with two of my beautiful sisters, both on opposite sides of the world, really got me reflecting around the challenges life throws our way, and how we choose to meet each of these challenges.
For no matter what the circumstances, we ALWAYS have a choice.
The choice of which path to take and how we react to all that unfolds in our world.
These choices might bring up our stuff, confront us and make life very unpleasant for a time.
But we DO have a choice.
How blessed we are to have this luxury and freedom.
More and more I am witnessing women experiencing strong feelings of disconnect…
with their tribe, their purpose and mostly with their true, authentic feminine selves.
So many women questioning themselves and their path…
I encounter stories of what we think we ‘should’ be doing, and how much we are giving ourselves a hard time when we don’t live up to these unrealistic expectations every day.
It may be that there is, in fact, an alignment issue and more layers are ready to be shed and deep work to be done…
Perhaps, though, it might just be that the Universe is testing your resolve…