Change is undeniably one thing about our human experience that is inevitable....yet we can spend hours, days, weeks and even years struggling with letting change actually unfold in our world without a fight.
We cling, grasp, attach, and hold on for dear life to what we know (or think we know) because the mere thought of the unknown can bring us quickly and quite forcibly to our knees.
We live lives that are detached, unfulfilling, disconnected, soul-less, empty, adventure-less, dull and a tad too structured and over-analysed.
Spontaneity can become sporadic as we try our hardest to control all manner of things, but in the end the pursuit is pointless.
Only when we deeply understand that none of it is in our control - that our strong attachments will lead us to suffering - can we truly find freedom and what I believe is the source of a peaceful, happy and content life.
What do you think?