5 ways to SHINE your light bright...

5 ways to SHINE your light bright...

Within us resides our very own, highly unique and ever-lasting light.
A bright spark of divinity that is part of who we are beyond the physical body we inhabit.

It is my belief that our greatest purpose here is to deeply align with our truth, acknowledge our innate gifts and then to generously share them with the world for the service of all (which of course includes ourself)
To lovingly shine our light out into the world for all to experience it's radiance  - and to receive unconditionally the light of others in whatever form it manifests.

But what does it really mean to shine?
What does it feel and look like?

Leaning into Trust...

Leaning into Trust...

Just trust in the Universe.
All you need to do is TRUST....

 I am regularly offered an invitation via a Blog post or self help book suggesting to just let go and TRUST, and all will be well.
My friends swear by it and the people I admire and respect are all for it too.

These sentiments are heard whispered on the wind often in my neck of the woods (being a haven for the alternative thinker), and something within me knows there is truth in this wisdom, but when it's the eleventh hour and the shit is proverbially hitting the fan ,what does this trust biz really look like then?

I'm just like you...

I'm just like you...

I’m just like you.
Truly - I am.

I feel everything - just like you do.

I feel exquisite and tender love til I think I might burst and I feel hurt - often - just like you do.
I feel strong, steadfast and courageous yet often a little overwhelmed and disconnected - like I know you do too.
I feel such immense joy and happiness exploding from my being and yet sometimes, the sadness and grief threaten to overwhelm me - just like it does for you.

Embodying the Feminine

Embodying the Feminine

For the past 6 weeks I have been on what can only be described as one of those journey's that change you forever. 
Each Thursday evening, me and 20 brave women have come together to intimately explore what it is to truly 'embody' the feminine.

We have gathered in scared circle, peeled away the layers, masks and roles we identify with out in the world and allowed ourselves to be authentically, genuinely and vulnerably seen by the other women sharing the journey.

Every week we dove a little deeper, let go a little more and explored a practise that would help us access the inner, most hidden part of ourselves that may have been denied for way to long.