It's ALL about Connection...

Or 'The lie of separation and simple ways to re-CONNECT with your body and life

As I surrendered to the dark void over the Winter I cried an ocean of tears - for many MANY things - some known and lots to be honest still unknown. It was a release of epic proportion - a death to old structures and ways of living - the layers of which I am still integrating.

Something that kept arising for me was the running theme of just how DISCONNECTED we have become - collectively and individually.

Stuck in the story of our separateness we struggle to truly FEEL ourselves amidst the endless doing, striving, hustle, 'to-do' lists and busyness that the lie of modern living tells us we need to live a successful life.

The sadness that permeated my whole being at how far we have drifted from our true, authentic, deeply connected and cyclic nature was all consuming - yet at the same time proved to be powerful medicine during my descent.

Simply put - we have lost our way and forgotten how to BE.

The connection we strive for (because yes we all long for connection, it's part of our human makeup) is being looked for 'out there' - in places that I believe can only ever offer us something of a surface level or 'garden variety' experience - not the depth I think we all truly yearn for.

We scroll endlessly hoping to fill the void, or we find other ways to avoid turning the gaze inwards and fully meeting ourself - shadows and all.

Where is our true and authentic connection to self? To each other? To sisterhood? To Mama Earth?

Yes things are shifting - we all feel it - and it makes my heart sing with gladness!
Yet we still have a way to go.

What has been clear to me for some time - and was highlighted in my time in the void over Winter - is that as women of the Earth it is time for us to lead the way and once more live with love, respect and reverence for our Mother - and to return to a deeply aligned way of living in harmony and attunement with the our inner ebbs and flows AND with cycles of the Earth, Sun and Moon.

Too long have we been trapped in a linear model that suppresses our natural and instinctual cyclic feminine nature - yet THIS is our power!

And it's part of my mission and deepest desire to remind you and lovingly guide you back HOME to this truth.


Feeling genuinely connected - to self, each other and the Earth - doesn't need to be hard. In fact this was one of the many potent insights I was gifted - SIMPLICITY is crucial!

Rather than falling prey to a general tendency to over complicate things the message I received was clear - and that is to come back to simplicity.

So with that in mind I want to offer you a few simple tools that I use daily to cultivate authentic connection - may they serve to awaken those parts of you that need enlivening and offer you loving ways to remember…

* Put your bare feet on the Earth - feel her beneath you. Grow your roots deep. Breathe.

* Lie down and let Mama Gaia hold you - let yourself surrender into her loving embrace

* Bathe in the sunshine - let the sun's radiance warm and nourish you (when he's around!)

* STOP and breathe - deep into your belly and notice what's present (and welcome it ALL!)

* Remember that you have a body (I know it's obvious but how often are you really IN your body!?) Touch her, enjoy her - show her LOVE!

* Dance, laugh, sing and remember to PLAY

* Bring one hand to your heart and one to your womb - LISTEN to the whisperings of your inner wisdom

* REST - simply lay down on the bed or stick your legs up the wall. When we pause and allow spaciousness for stillness we are able to drop in and hear plus feel our inner landscape.

* Take a gentle stroll in nature - the beach, park, forest - not for exercise but rather to feel your body and connect with the cycles of the seasons

* Become aware of the phases of the sun and moon and notice how they impact your whole being - then align what you 'do' in the world around what is revealed.

* If you are a menstruating woman then daily tracking of your cycle is probably my number 1 way to connect deeply with yourself and your own unique rhythms - and if you are not currently bleeding then bring more attention the moon

* Create an altar somewhere in your space and if you can take some time each day here (I love the morning). You can place flowers or other gifts from nature as offerings - connecting with what's seasonal and taking a pause to again simply BE with yourself and become aware of all that's residing just below the surface (I like to pull a few oracle cards too!)

If we are going to BE the change we wish to see on the planet at this time then I believe it starts with honouring and prioritising connection.

For when we feel connected we also feel empowered - and deeply connected women owning their power RISE - and are what Gaia needs now more than ever.


How does this land for you sister?
How connected do you feel in your life? What brings you back to a state of authentic connection?

I'd love to hear from you beautiful!

May your journey back home to connection be gentle, joyful and filled with LOVE.

With deep bows and blessings,
Star ❤️🙏❤️ xxxx