Self Care + Self Love

Are you still glorifying busy?

Are you still glorifying busy?

Are you rushing and racing from one thing to the next never really fully arriving or experiencing the moment you were rushing towards (because you are already moving again)?

Does this state of perpetual urgency leave you feel chronically stressed, anxious, overwhelmed and disconnected to your life and to the essence of WHO YOU ARE?

Sweetheart - you are not alone.

The pace of modern life is asking much of women as we endlessly strive to keep all our balls in the air ( in an effort to prove our value and worth), and so the burn out, deep exhaustion and a plethora of health issues are still sadly rising as we push and add more 'stuff' and 'things' to our day.

5 simple practises to calm your nervous system

 5 simple practises to calm your nervous system

What do you think might happen if you stopped/dropped everything for a moment and allowed yourself space to simply pause, breathe and BE?

Would the world come crashing down - you along with it?
Would you not ticking something off your to-do list have tragic consequences?
Would your business crumble and fade into oblivion?
Would the washing/dishes (insert menial chore here) pile up and never get done?

Would life as you know it go on?

Seriously though, what WOULD happen if you took some time out for you - if you gave YOU the same energy you give your family, business, social media or whatever it is that consumes most of your attention and focus?

Keep It Simple Sweetheart - Self Care for Busy Women

Keep It Simple Sweetheart - Self Care for Busy Women

Being a strong advocate of Self Care doesn't mean I don't fall prey to old destructive habits from to time, or that there aren't days where the time I devote to my care is fleeting.

After all - I am human like you - and am navigating this life amidst the busy the best way I can every single day. Some days it flows effortlessly, and other days it's more of a challenge! #perfectly imperfect

How my burnout breakdown unveiled my life purpose

How my burnout breakdown unveiled my life purpose

2007 was the year my life changed forever. 

It was the year I had my HUGE burnout breakdown and was diagnosed with an auto-immune issue called Fibromyalgia. This showed up for me as extreme and severe fatigue (think struggling to get out of bed, dragging my sorry self around the house and having to sleep each afternoon just to get through the day) 

It also involved acute and relentless pain.
Pain that settled heavily in the joints, muscles and ligaments of my body and left not many parts untouched. It was excruciating and exhausting.
At it's worst I couldn't manage the most simplest of tasks like putting my hair in a ponytail, texting on my phone or brushing my teeth without pain. I couldn't work, or really do much at all.