Curious about Restorative Yoga?
Think it’s just a gentler version of a general yoga class with less postures and only a few down dogs?
Well darling one, think again.
Take a moment to picture this…
How many times have you used the word should this week in relation to yourself?
How about today?
If you tell yourself there is a certain action you 'should' take, how do you feel?
When you take a moment to feel into the word, what comes up for you?
Is there a sense of contraction, closing down, resistance or rejection?
Or does it evoke something else in you?
Maybe you feel your inner rebel stirring, ready to tell that word and all the feelings that come with it to #@ck off and show it the door once and for all??
Have you ever slowed down enough to notice how life has a habit of presenting exactly what you need precisely when you need it?
The universe is super savvy and knows exactly what lessons to place in front of you, even if you aren’t ready or open to receiving them.
If we stay still and present enough, then the unfolding moment can be filled with insight and growth if we let it in.
During a yoga training I was teaching on last year I experienced one of these beautiful moments.
Two paths before my feet and a choice to be made.
This was the kind of moment where time seems to stand very still and everything slows way down. Like a camera lens zoomed in, the choice before me became crystal clear and filled with clarity.
The options?
To stay ‘professional’, be the trainer and suck it up. Or, instead, embrace my vulnerability and be totally transparent with a group of beautiful women that I barely knew and see what transpired.
Yes I know, I'm talking about Self Care again...
There's a damn good reason why this topic is hot on my radar and fuels most of the work I do in the world though...
My journey has been touched so profoundly by the daily ritual of making time to stop, linger in stillness, connect in and give back, that I have declared it my mission to inspire and empower women everywhere on the gifts of a regular Self Care routine.
I feel called to a purpose greater than myself and am ready to light the flame and fire-start a revolution...a new feminine paradigm where 'rest' isn't a dirty word and Self Care is something that we grow up seeing as a natural, normal and extremely healthy part of a well-functioning, evolved and balanced society.
With all the buzz around Self Care at the moment (and for good reason - looking after our needs is the most loving act we can offer ourselves), I thought I would jump in and share a little bit about what I feel Self Care isn't...
When you think about the gift of receiving what arises for you?
Does the thought of openly accepting something from another fill you with dread or bliss?
The idea might sound good, but in reality the act itself can conjure up all sorts of emotions, physical sensations and mental torture.
Why is it so hard for many women to allow themselves the gift of another’s generosity?
What exactly is behind the façade of “I can do it all on my own’ or ‘ I don’t need any help’??