The 'Oh' in Overwhelm...

The 'Oh' in Overwhelm...

This week saw me surprisingly sitting side by side my old buddy overwhelm who to be honest hasn’t been around for a while.
Actually, for the past few weeks I have felt like I was on a down hill slope to overwhelm central with brakes that were a bit dodgy.

I can assure you, she wasn’t invited, and to suggest her stay wasn’t pleasant is an understatement.
In fact, I would have preferred to experience anything else rather then feel her so near again after such a long time apart.


My relationship with overwhelm has been a long-standing one.
We know each other well, greeting each other like a couple of ‘old’ friends who haven’t seen each other in an age when she rocks up unexpectedly, all fake smiles and meaningless banter.

Some days it’s an all-out ambush and others she creeps in insipidly, overthrowing my otherwise peaceful sanctuary into a state of unease and chaos.
Other days I feel barely a caress.

The thing is, the relationship has become totally one-sided.
She gets all the good stuff, and I am just left to pick up the pieces when she breezes out, ready for her next hit somewhere else.

What did I ever get out of it you probably wonder??

Resistance is futile...

Resistance is futile...

I LOVE how the Universe knows exactly what to serve up for our highest purpose and growth, and does so with ease and without apology.

I’ve always believed that lessons come in all shapes and sizes, ready and ripe for the picking if only we are open and willing to seize the insight in the moment.

Alas, most of us are either half asleep, or caught up in our own self made ‘busyness’ that we miss the nuggets of wisdom that are there to be drawn out.

Resistance, in all its manifestations, is something we all toil with in our unique and divine dance as a soul having a human experience.

Resistance to change, to letting go and to opening up.
Resistance to sharing, to being supported and to showing our true selves to the world.

The biggest struggle I experience is resistance to what is actually happening in the moment when things go a little off kilter.
Letting go of any expectation I may have to how a situation ‘should’ unfold, can cause a strong reaction within me, and I sometimes get stuck in truly surrendering to the flow of things, especially when it is not in alignment with my desired outcome.

There are literally thousands of things we, as a society, are collectively avoiding, moving away from and closing ourselves to.
Isn’t it time we leaned in close, opened our arms and went WITH the flow?
What might it look like to reject resistance outright?

The dark side of shining bright...

The dark side of shining bright...

Have you ever experienced that delicious moment when ALL fell into place in perfect alignment and for the first time ever you KNEW that you were following the path you were meant to tread?

When the years of soul searching, personal ‘work’ and deep desire all lined up clearly to reveal a crystal clear road to take.

That something inside you ‘clicked’, and a deep secret yearning was finally being acknowledged and fulfilled.

There is nothing quite like it.

If you’ve been lucky enough to experience this moment in your own life, then you know the sweet joy that discovering, reclaiming and owning your truth brings.

You know the feeling of being part of something bigger than yourself and of letting this energy flow and move through you, a gentle voice guiding you always to your soul’s purpose.

The all-knowing Universe sees all, desires only the best for you, and wants nothing more than to inspire you to blossom and grow into your full and highest potential.

But, do we feel this unconditional love and support from all in our circle, or, is the intensity of our burning flame to hot for some to handle?

Following your JOY – the Feminine way.

Following your JOY – the Feminine way.

I love the idea that when we are able to let go of control and surrender to the Universal flow of all things, we are gifted with opportunities that seem to just come our way effortlessly.

That we always have the power to choose where to place our focus and energy at any given moment, this choice leading us directly to suffering or contentment.

But what happens when we push too hard towards a desired outcome?
Does the Universe push back?

Sisterhood - Sharing, Support and the Shadow

Sisterhood - Sharing, Support and the Shadow

This is a call out to ALL women, but in particular those delicious, juicy, amazing, beautiful, gifted and inspiring women in my circle.

I bow down to you all in total reverence, gratitude and pure love.
My life has NEVER been better and for each of you in all your uniqueness, I am grateful.

For with you by my side I have the power to SHINE beyond my wildest dreams…