The New Feminine Paradigm

Vulnerability - What happens when you Speak Your Truth?

Vulnerability - What happens when you Speak Your Truth?

Have you ever slowed down enough to notice how life has a habit of presenting exactly what you need precisely when you need it?

The universe is super savvy and knows exactly what lessons to place in front of you, even if you aren’t ready or open to receiving them.

If we stay still and present enough, then the unfolding moment can be filled with insight and growth if we let it in.

During a yoga training I was teaching on last year I experienced one of these beautiful moments.
Two paths before my feet and a choice to be made.

This was the kind of moment where time seems to stand very still and everything slows way down. Like a camera lens zoomed in, the choice before me became crystal clear and filled with clarity.

The options?

To stay ‘professional’, be the trainer and suck it up. Or, instead, embrace my vulnerability and be totally transparent with a group of beautiful women that I barely knew and see what transpired.

You are ENOUGH...

You are ENOUGH...

You really are enough honey.
Just as you are.

Right now you have all you need inside you to shine brighter than ever.
So what’s holding you back?

Is it fear and resistance?
They LOVE to hang around and sniff out the smallest bit of self-doubt.

Maybe it’s feeling like you need more qualifications, street cred and external know-how to move towards living a life you love?

Just possibly it’s those negative thoughts that may have been lingering for some time that are damaging the glorious manifestation of your dreams and desires?

What's the rush sister??

What's the rush sister??

Every day I see them.

The pavement pounders on a mission.
Women with an insatiable hunger to get somewhere.

Rushing, running, pushing, striving.
Overwhelmed, stressed, exhausted and a little unhinged.

The destination unknown and unchartered but a desperate need to get there anyway.

The masculine forever leading the race, the feminine gasping to keep up as it’s not really her natural way.

Where are they going I wonder?
What is it all for?
What’s the rush sister?

Sabotage, Self Love and my Soulful Declaration...

Sabotage, Self Love and my Soulful Declaration...

Women of the world…
Soul sisters…

Can you feel the rise of the divine feminine?
It is so very palpable right now!

All around me women are stepping up, aligning with their soul purpose and reclaiming their power.

I am inspired, moved and blown away daily by the sheer force of women finally showing up in a new, more empowered way - for themselves and for humanity.

It has been so long in the coming.

Yet something hungry still lingers in the background.

An insipid little creature that wants to be fed, and though more starved now than ever before, she still has a pretty tight hold on us.

Who is this beast you might ask?

I am, of course, referring to that nasty little soul-crushing
self-saboteur that just won’t back off.

Your bitchy inner critic that knocks the wind out of your inner wisdom time and time again.

I know you know her well.
Most of us do.

And though I see a whole bunch of amazingly devoted, focused and spiritually aware women out there doing their thing with gusto and grace, I can’t help but feel that we have a way to go on this journey of true and lasting Self-Love.