Restorative yoga


Restorative Yoga is a gentle and nourishing practise, which enables the entire system to slow down, allowing for healing, relaxation and self-nurturing to occur.

 During a restorative yoga practise the body is placed into lush, supported positions using a variety of props.
As the body yields to the support all effort dissolves and the nervous system is calmed, physical tension and stress melt away;
and the mind becomes still and quiet.

 The session is made complete by drawing on the wisdom of mindfulness,
a practise allowing you stay fully present to all that arises throughout the session.

Walk away feeling nourished, at peace and back home to yourself.


There are so many!!  This beautiful practise is well suited to any one living within the shackles of a modern ‘busy’ life (so that’s pretty much everybody!).  It is particularly beneficial for all of the following issues:

+ Anxiety
+ Stress
+ Overwhelm/Exhaustion
+ Depletion
+ Chronic health problems
+ An overly busy mind
+ Autoimmune issues
+ A compromised nervous system
+ Sleep problems



This class is my gift to busy, sensitive women in need of rest and nurturing. A beautiful feminine approach to your yoga practise created to help you move out of chronic stress, exhaustion and DOing and allow you space to replenish and rest back into simply BEing.

In these delicious 2hrs together we will gently and intuitively explore the feminine landscape.
Class will include:

+ Yummy supported restorative yoga to soothe the nervous system.
+ Gentle movement to limber and ground the body.
+ Chronic tension release via breath connection
+ Guided mindfulness practise to calm the mind.
+ Womb and Heart Connection/Activation
+ Guided visualisations and meditations.
+ Deep relaxation with Yoga Nidra.


This class will run the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month, check events for the next class time.

Time: 4p.m-6p.m.
Duration: 2hrs
Cost: $25
Location: Yoga By Nature 

This class is by booking only (and it books out with a wait list) so get in
touch with me (Star) via txt to claim your spot: 0403713978

1/3 Fawcett Street
Brunswick Heads NSW 2483
(Green shop front, opp Caltex)


Can't get to a class?
I also offer private sessions face to face or via Skype.
Have a look HERE for more information.

Some kind words

Star has an amazing ability to create a safe, nurturing space where my nervous system can deeply and fully relax. Star is passionate about self care and self nurturing, and not only cares for, and nurtures her clients in the class, but teaches just how important it is not to be a martyr and stay in an uncomfortable place, but rather to care and love yourself with full compassion. Star's restorative relaxation class has taught me more about how important it is to 'nurture the nurturer' and to be kind to myself. 

Melissa Baker 


"Star's Restorative Yoga classes have been the gift of a Self care practice amongst the busy-ness of life. Rest. Peace. Stillness. Space. Depth.  Star genuinely wishes to and succeeds in guiding you deep into your soul to find the omnipresent stillness within."

Toni-Jayne - Brunswick Heads


Star's classes are a gift in my week and when I arrive I immediately enter a space of gentle healing. 
She has set up a practice that deliberately leads our bodies to shift from Sympathetic Nervous System Innervation/Fight or Flight/Inflammatory response to Parasympathetic Activation/Rest and Digest/Repair mode. She does this consciously with a blend of modern and yogic wisdom and feminine strength.
You will walk out of her class feeling loved, rested and restored. 

Meg Carter