Soothe Your Soul

I'm just like you...

I'm just like you...

I’m just like you.
Truly - I am.

I feel everything - just like you do.

I feel exquisite and tender love til I think I might burst and I feel hurt - often - just like you do.
I feel strong, steadfast and courageous yet often a little overwhelmed and disconnected - like I know you do too.
I feel such immense joy and happiness exploding from my being and yet sometimes, the sadness and grief threaten to overwhelm me - just like it does for you.

What does 'Life On Your Terms' look like?

What does 'Life On Your Terms' look like?

A wise sister recently shared with me some sage advice.
It came in the midst of her witnessing me in a moment of vulnerability and raw release.

She asked me tenderly how she could help.
Did I want to be held, simply witnessed or was I open to her take?
In that dark moment I was happy to hear any insight she might have that would shift me out of the despair I was feeling.

What I wasn't expecting was how deep her words would go, or how they would stay with me and in me for days, reverberating like a sacred drum  - loud and clear.

A love note to my sister...

A love note to my sister...

A beautiful new day has dawned, and I am feeling deeply called to hold space for you, so that you may hold space for yourself.

Below darling heart, is a little love note I wrote to myself when I was feeling in need of an extra dose of loving kindness and compassion.

Now, I share these gentle words so that you too may feel held and remember your own divineness...


Sweet soul sister,

Be gentle with yourself.
Be kind and easy on yourself.

Living ‘in the moment’ – 5 simple tools for bringing more presence and joy into your day.

Living ‘in the moment’ – 5 simple tools for bringing more presence and joy into your day.

I have always thrived on routine.
I am a list lover and get immense pleasure ticking things off as accomplished.
Done and dusted.

Yep, that’s how I like it.
I have even been known to create lists of the lists I need to make.

A little over the top?

I like to be in charge and in control and feel challenged when my ideal outcome or plans goes awry.

I get disappointed over unmet expectations and frustrated when things don’t work out exactly like I had played it out in my head.

Sound familiar?

How to live abundantly EVERY day.

How to live abundantly EVERY day.

'I am now living a life filled with abundance’

This is just one of a few affirmations that I repeat often to myself as I move through my day.
I whisper it softly, write it in bold colour, and sometimes even shout it out to the Universe.

The reason?

Negative views around money ran the show in my world for way to long.
For years I was stuck unaware in ‘poverty consciousness’, not realising how I was unintentionally keeping myself there via the thoughts I allowed to penetrate my waking moments and by the words I actually spoke without a second thought.

“I can’t afford to….”
“I don’t have enough money to….”

I was coming from a space of ‘lack’ and ‘not enough’.
The outcome meant that all I was desperate to move away from - constant worry around cash flow, struggle and suffering - was exactly what I called in due to the conversations I had every day with the Universe.